I help corporate professionals dissolve emotional blocks

so they can reach their highest potential.



This Self Care talk discusses how to first heal your inner world and your outer world will follow. Dena will communicate with listeners by recommending useful mobile apps, breathing exercises and mindfulness tools that we can all apply to our routines to help deal with stress, anxiety and burnout while improving our overall mental health.

This one hour keynote discusses the importance of taking time for self care. I will engage with listeners by recommending useful mobile apps, yoga exercises and mindfulness practices that we can all apply to our routines to help deal with the pressures of daily life.

Heal Your Emotions, Unblock Your Potential

This get Un-stuck talk discusses how to process emotions that can get in the way of our success. Dena draws on her work as a storyteller and comedian (CBC, Just for Laughs) with carefully selected jokes and topics that share honest truths while sharing wellness tools to help with healing emotions. We will engage in interactive mindfulness exercises, breathwork and EFT tapping with an added bonus of laughter.

Achieving Your Goals with Mindfulness

This Leadership talk was specifically designed for individuals in search of encouragement and motivation in their field. Dena will discuss how incorporating a daily mindfulness practice will not only improve mental and physical health, it will act as a major pillar in reaching personal and professional goals. This talk is designed for professionals ready to embark on their next big (internal, then external) win.


Dena was a pleasure to work with. Her professionalism and speaking abilities are amazing and she connected and captivated the audience throughout the entire talk. She used her humour to engage with the audience and was very relatable. I would definitely recommend hiring Dena.
-Susanne Fuda, Campus Recruitment Manager, Scotiabank

Dena brought 60 minutes of calm into an otherwise crazy world. She took our team through a rich presentation about how being mindful makes us healthier and more productive. And she did it in a way that was funny, entertaining and enlightening. There aren’t many ways to reward your team and increase it's effectiveness at the same time. Dena Jackson is the one.
-Mike French CFO and SVP, TD Bank

Dena is a captivating speaker who uses humour to convey strong messages about the benefits of mindfulness and meditation. I thoroughly enjoyed her talk at our university Lunch and Learn, which had one of our largest turnouts to date. I would recommend her for any group.
-Natalie Roach, Mental Health Coordinator, Toronto Metropolitan University